OTHM Level 7 Responsible Leadership and Governance Assignment

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Unit Aims

In this unit, student will look at the modern organisational requirement of governance leading to the evaluation of good practice relating to company affairs. This unit provides the learner with an understanding of the effect of legislation and global integration on decisions, policies, processes and activities undertaken by organisations.

Learning Outcomes – the learner will: Assessment Criteria – the learner can:
1. Understand the key socio-cultural, ethical and moral issues that affect

organisations in the current economic environment.

1.1  Assess the responsibilities of organisations to improving workforce welfare.

1.2  Compare approaches to the management of diversity in organisations.

1.3  Compare organisational approaches to ensuring positive policies of workforce diversity.

2. Understand the role of leadership to manage strategic and operational risk in the organisation. 2.1  Analyse strategic leadership and its links to risk management in organisations.

2.2  Evaluate key leadership and management theories.

2.3  Explain how leadership and management styles should change to meet the needs of different risk situations found in organisations.

3. Understand the importance of corporate governance in organisations. 3.1  Explain the importance of responsible corporate governance in organisations.

3.2  Evaluate the impact of major frameworks, regulations and acts on corporate stakeholders’ interests in an organisation.

4. Understand the role and

impact of corporate governance in the management of companies.

4.1  Evaluate the principles of corporate governance in

the management of the corporations.

4.2  Critically evaluate the role of a board in corporate governance issues and different approaches taken.

4.3  Recommend duties of directors in complying with principles of governance in the management of corporation.


A recent corportae govenernace report highlights some issues with corportae govenance at UK organisation .You are the Head of Operations at one of the organisations listed below:

  • London Stock Exchange Group PLC (Rank 76)
  • Next PLC (Rank 76)
  • Royal Dutch Shell PLC (Rank 90)
  • Burberry Group PLC (Rank 96)
  • ASOS PLC (Rank 99)
  • GlaxoSmithKline PLC (Rank 103)

You need to choose one of the above organisation to answer your tasks.

As a part of the UK expansion plan, your chosen company has just recruited five Area Managers to manage its expanding operations. You are going to give them a detailed account of why they should be better leaders and understand good governance.

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Task 1 of 1: Operations Report

Your report should analyse the current position of the chosen organisation, show how the company can develop an effective leadership and governance strategy to enhance organisation’s value.

To develop your Report, you must apply relevant theoretical concepts, models of Responsible Leadership and Governance, relate them with real world examples of your chosen organisational context and critically analyse your arguments and arrive at justifiable recommendations.


Your report should consist of three sections containing the following:

Section A (ACs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)

  • In relation to the recent challenges, assess the responsibilities of organisations to improving workforce welfare.
  • Compare approaches to the management of diversity in organisations especially an organisation such as yours.
  • Compare organisational approaches to ensuring positive policies of workforce diversity.

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Section B (ACs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)

  • Analyse strategic leadership and its links to risk management in organisations.
  • Evaluate key leadership and management theories that you believe your newly recruited area managers must be aware of.
  • Explain how leadership and management styles should change to meet the needs of different risk situations found in organisations such as yours.

Section C (ACs 3.1, 3.2)

  • Explain the importance of responsible corporate governance in your organisation.
  • Evaluate the impact of regulatory requirements on corporate stakeholders’ interests in your organisation.

Section D (ACs 4.1, 4.2, 4.3)

  • Evaluate the principles of corporate governance in the management of the corporations.
  • Critically evaluate the role of a board in corporate governance issues and different approaches taken.
  • Recommend duties of directors in complying with principles of governance in the management of corporation.