Operation Management Course and Individual Assignment Solution

Individual assignment Questions for Operation Management

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  1. Outline the major decision responsibilities of an operation manager in any company?

A. Tactical decision

  • Focus on specific day-to-day issues like resource needs, schedules, & quantities to produce
  • It is  frequent

B. Strategic decisions

  • less frequent
  • Tactical and Strategic decisions must align

C. The Critical Decisions

  1. Process and capacity design
  • What process and what capacity will these products require?
  • What equipment and technology is necessary for these processes?
  1. Location strategy
  • Where should we put the facility?
  • On what criteria should we base the location decision?
  1. Layout strategy
  • How should we arrange the facility?
  • How large must the facility be to meet our plan?
  1. Human resources and job design
  • How do we provide a reasonable work environment?
  • How much can we expect our employees to produce?
  1. Supply chain management
  • Should we make or buy this component?
  • Who are our suppliers and who can integrate into our e-commerce program?
  1. Inventory, material requirements planning, and JIT
  • How much inventory of each item should we have?
  • When do we re-order?
  1. Identify the inputs, transformation process and outputs in the following operations systems: Bank, Hospital and manufacturing firm


Business Inputs Transformation process Outputs
Bank Customer request, account Information, Transaction detail Processing the request, Verifying identities and updating account record Compilation of transaction, Printed receipt and updating account balance
Hospital Patients Examining, Surgery, Monitoring, Medication and Therapy Healthy Individuals
Manufacturing firm Raw materials Methods and techniques used to convert inputs to desired out put End product and service
  1. Explain how the understanding of four operations objectives, quality, speed, flexibility and cost?
  • Cost :-Offering a product at a low price relative to the prices of competing products
  • Quality:- consistent conformance to customers’ expectations
  • Time/speed:- means the elapsed time between customers requesting products or services and their     receipt of it
  • Flexibility: – A competitive priority focusing on offering a wide variety of goods or services. or being able to change the operation in some way to satisfy customer.
  1. It is generally felt that “rural areas are good for locating large plant, semi-urban areas for locating medium-sized plants, and urban areas for small-scale plants”. Comment.
  2. Discuss the concepts of operations input resources, transformation processes and Use the company business process that found around you to illustrate your explanation.
  • Operation in put process :- are the processes within organizations that acquire inputs (people, capital, material, information e.t.c) and transform these inputs into outputs  (services  and  goods)  consumed  by  the public
  • The transformation process :- should add value such that the output has financial value greater than the sum of the inputs.
  • Output:– End product(services  and  goods)  consumed  by  the publics, Or  the quantity and quality of goods or services produced in a given time period, within a given economic network, whether consumed or used for further production

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